The Last SO KIND Wednesday 

Did anyone happen to grab January as it was zooming by? Where did this month even go? 

On the other hand, I am rejoicing!! That means I’ve almost made it through a month for a New Year’s resolution! Woo hoo! 

For the last SO KIND Wednesday, I decided to go back to the root of things. The idea behind this came from a story I wrote called “Four Words”. In December I had an appointment with a specialist I’d never met. The appointment was made a month in advance and I was nervous pretty much that entire month. 

The day I went to see him will be forever etched in my mind. It was one of those days that had the possibility of being life changing. And, it was. But, not necessarily in the way I was expecting. 

Kindness changes things. :) Today lets think of how kindness has changed our lives. Feel free to use as many words as you like. Here are some ideas:

  • Has anyone ever said anything so kind to you it just stuck with you?
  • Have you ever said something kind to someone and they seemed to have a real connection to it?
  • If you could offer any advice on kindness, what would it be? 

Thanks for joining in. I can’t wait to hear your kindness stories! 



26 thoughts on “The Last SO KIND Wednesday 

  1. The movie Pay it Forward, inspired people to do random acts of kindness forward and someone got the bright idea to do it in a drive thru.. but each person is paying backwards to pay it forward.. Neat twist.. Been in some chains and started some.. It really makes my day 😊
    When you do this, because I know you will sometime, don’t forget to sneak a peek in your rearview mirror to see the smile when the person is told its paid for.. first there’s the look of “huh ?” Then a smile, sometimes the smile makes them seem to glow for a moment.. And know that that moment will stay with them long after they consumed their gift from the car ahead..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, experience is the best teacher, I’ve been both the receiver and giver of tough love.. Not fun on either end, but very rewarding for both, if given with a gentle hand and finally accepted..

    Random acts of kindness to strangers just plain fun.. To pay it backward to pay it foward is drive thru fun.. And sometimes you may hear on a news blurb the chain you started or were a link in.. Most times you won’t but its fun to see the look of surprise of the person behind you in the rear view mirror as you drive off.. It might be just the cheering up they needed, you never know 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooo I love that! Experience IS the best teacher, whether we wan the lesson or not!

      Drive thru fun sounds so rewarding! Maybe you’ve done that? What an amazing thing to do! I love that you mentioned Random Acts of Drive Thru kindness. Not only is that a great idea to try, it reminded me of something.

      Several months ago I was having an “off ” day. I went through a McDonalds drive thru and the gal that took my payment was nice. She handed me my receipt, and I started pulling forward.

      When I glanced at the receipt, I nearly fell over! It had a smiley face and few simple kind words written on it.

      Something so simple was a complete day changer and heart-lifter all in one instant. One Random Act.

      Thank you for commenting. Love what you said about paying backward to pay it forward! That’s brilliant on so many levels. :)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Kindness should be the easiest thing in the world to give.. And it costs nothing but time in most cases.. Holding the door for someone right behind you, saying thank you to a cashier or server, things along those lines..
    Kindness can also be one of the hardest acts to give and also cost nothing.. It’s refusing to be an enabler for another’s problems.. that can be anything ranging from, addiction to financial irresponsibility..
    Tough love is the greatest sacrificial act of kindness one can give.. It hurts the giver long before the recipient gets their act together, if they ever do.. And in the meantime, the giver is usually demonized as uncaring, when the very opposite is true.. It makes it hard to live by at times, especially when small sums of money periodically would get you kudos for being such a “good” person..
    Advice on kindness :
    Stay strong when it comes to giving tough kindness, be the best at it you can be so the recipient has the best chance to recover from the root of their problem, not just temporarily ease their symptoms..
    This may seem like a strange twist on kindness, but its my view and I shoot from the hip.. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi there. Thank you for offering a different perspective. I appreciate the insight you shared. I like the idea that kindness can be seen in a different light depending on the situation. What may seem kind on one side, may not necessarily be understood on the receiving end every time.

      Seems like people often times connect to experiences they have had and are able to share those lessons with others. That’s what I like about your comment. It may have the ability to help someone in a similar situation as you described. Thank you again! :)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree, where did January go? Looking back, these are a few 4-word topics that came to mind that have been a POSITIVE influence/experience in my life:

    1. OUR 30-DAY CHALLENGE…..It will be 3 years this June that I met you, Jessica! (via Facebook) but what a difference YOU have made in my life. Challenges that inspired me to get in touch with feelings & memories I hadn’t thought about for a very long time. Bless your little pea-pickin’ heart!!
    2. WHAT IF I FALL? That’s been easy for me to think…especially before trying to step out of my comfort zone. But I have now learned how to turn that around by thinking:
    3. WHAT IF YOU FLY? Things might not always turn out the way I wanted but at least I tried and I have now realized that many times, things DID turn out for the best!!
    4. BE STILL AND KNOW….This is the name of one of my daily meditation books that I’ve had for more than 30 years! I can depend on it and many other books to brighten my day.
    5. K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid….I heard this many years ago and I don’t really like the word “stupid” but it really does make a difference, especially as you get older. At this stage of my life, I am finding that the simpler I make my life, the more content I am. I can look back and see how stressful and complicated life was for me when I was a young Wife and Mother when it really didn’t have to be. Worrying about everything, stressing over things that were really not that big a deal. Too much drama! Instead started counting my blessings. Focusing on what all I’ve had in my life instead of what I DIDN’T have. Isn’t always an easy thing to do but isn’t nearly as exhausting!! And last, but not least, focusing on “Life being a series of vibrant, wondrous journeys”. That’s when I follow UNMEASURED JOURNEYS blogs and what wonderful insight the posts have for everyone! We just need to take the time to do these simple little steps!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, Judi, you are a heart melter! I learned so much by reading your comment. I love how you and mom have essentially gone first in this thing called life. I learn so much from your experiences and your thoughts about kindness and life in general.

      Our 30-Day Challenge was a boundary pusher! It made me think outside the box and work under a time schedule. It definitely made me a better writer.

      Thank you so much for sharing!


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