Enough to Share

Do you have a phrase that sort of lives in your back pocket and no matter where you are in your day or in your life, you think of it? 

For me, several phrases come to mind, but there is one in particular that’s been plastered to my heart with imaginary tape ever since my friend uttered it several years ago. 

Back then, another friend was quite down on his luck. His bills were piling up, his groceries were running low, and his spirit was crushed with worry. 

Money was pretty slim for us as well, but what followed became a lesson in “a lot of littles can make a lot.” 

After some brainstorming, the idea of a basket filled items to help him out, fell into my lap. I started asking my friends and family to help me fill it and man, did they ever! 

By the time it was all said and done, his cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer were packed with food,  his girls had been showered with gifts, and his  faith was renewed. 

It was in the midst of that gathering when my friend changed my “giving” outlook, and quite honestly, changed my life. 

The lesson?

It doesn’t take a grand gesture to make a difference. 

Her words?

“If I have enoughI have enough to share.


40 thoughts on “Enough to Share

  1. Pingback: Enough to Share — Unmeasured Journeys – Bee Organized with Pamela

  2. kindness connects us Jessica of this i have no doubt! of course the pic of the lily omg beyond perfection but your story made my heart feel so full i swear it could burst!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just heard a sentence in yoga class last week that stayed with me, particularly because I’d been neglecting myself for a while, out of winter and job exhaustion (still raining here in Finland, waiting for the sun…)… Translated, it would go something like, “Your body is just hoping desperately that you’ll give it some attention, even just a little bit each day”. I actually started feeling bad for my own body! I instantly did a little beauty treatment at home, gave myself a much needed pedicure that I’d been putting off for at least a year.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jessica, this is such a heart-warming story and your initiative and generosity is touching. 😀 So glad you and your friends could help and also show that kindness and humanity lives within us all. Stunning flower – perfectly formed.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s the way it should be in this country. I never give to charities, I give to people. The reward for such action is immediately received in the form of heartfelt smiles and even tears. Nothing in life is better than that.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Good morning!! :) Isn’t that flower pretty? I took that picture while visiting family in Louisiana while on vacation last month. You should’ve seen their place! Flowers everywhere! :)

      Liked by 1 person

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