Meet Sara

Don’t you just love those stories about how when an animal needs a home, it gets one? 

Oh my gosh! Me, too. 

A few months ago, my parents were shopping. Dad wanted to go into a sporting goods store that was right next to a pet store. 

What’s a girl to do?

My “heart of gold” mom who looooooooves cats, marched herself right in to the pet store! 

There was an extremely nervous female cat hiding in a crate. Like so nervous, that no one could see her face. Mom was curious, so she asked about her. 

Turns out, after 8 years, the previous owners gave her to a shelter. The poor thing’s life had to have been flipped sideways. She had such a hard time adapting, the shelter took her to the pet store. 

The pet store workers tried to talk mom into getting a friendly, yellow tabby, but  mom went with her heart and chose the  cat that nobody wanted. 

Good choice.

After a few weeks, that once “scared in the pet store” cat, warmed up. 

Now, it’s almost like she’s right where she was meant to be, with mom and dad. 

Meet Sara!


25 thoughts on “Meet Sara

  1. Beautiful. I had a Siamese cat quite awhile ago. A friend rescued her from the roof (former owners did not want her anymore). I told my friend no I didnt want a cat but she invited me over for coffee and I ended up going home with her! She was abused by that family and it took awhile for her to come out from under my bed and be friendly….but she finally did.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Isn’t it funny how cats can change our minds? :) How lucky that your friend invited you over. What a lucky day that cat had. Glad she felt safe and has a happy life now. Great story! I’m so glad you shared it! Thank you! :)


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