A Nice Surprise 

Don’t you just love when someone does something so nice that you get a bit tongue-tied when it comes to thanking them? 

This weekend I found out that Faye, at The Chicken Grandma, nominated me for the Black Cat Blue Sea Award. 

When I read what this award represents, I’ve got to tell you, I was sort of stuck in awe. Just listen to this description:

“This award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody and no matter how many viewers they get, make an impact on a reader. This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominee.” 

Gratitude? Impact? Everybody? 

Talk about a compliment! 

Here’s something else I love, when I read what Faye said about the seven bloggers she nominated, I’m pretty sure my heart was beaming. 

She said:

“These seven bloggers have made me think, they have made me laugh out loud, they have inspired me but most of all they have made me wish I could meet them in person.” 

My goodness, that’s incredibly kind. Thank you so much, Faye! 

Here are Faye’s 3 questions:

1. How do you find your inspiration for a blog post? 

This is interesting because I gave a Writer’s Wordshop to a homeschool group this week called, “Let’s Inspire Our Desire to Write.” I told them the best tool I have for coming up with writing ideas is my eyes. I usually see something first, and then the stories come. 

2. What do you enjoy most about where you call home? Why? 

I love that there are lots of windows and wood floors in my home. When Little Bit is playing on the sidewalk, I always take lots of pictures of him through the doorways and windows. I love the sound the wood floor makes when he’s running up and down the hall in bare feet. 

3. What is your favorite thing to do and with whom? 

I love to take drives with Little Bit. This week we said goodbye to summer and took some new gravel roads. We ended up in the middle of many Amish farms and even got to see little Amish children standing in their yard and waving at us. So fun. 

Normally, I’m don’t like to pick only a certain number of nominees because I don’t like leaving anyone out. 

So, this time I decided to bypass the seven, and just list everyone who commented on a recent post I wrote that I love called, “Enjoy the Ride.”

My nominees: 

My questions:

    • Favorite memory of your parents or grandparents?
    • Favorite recipe handed down to you?
    • Favorite vacation from childhood?

    Thanks again, Faye. Being nominated is such a nice surprise. 

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