A Wonderful Day

How are you doing today? 

It’s been a hectic few weeks around here and I feel like maybe the ticking of the clock is stuck on full-speed-ahead. 

Today we’re actually home. As in, not somewhere else!! Woo hoo! 

Isn’t that the best feeling in the world when you’ve been gone so much you forget what it’s like to stay standing in one spot? 

I am rather proud of myself, in the pile full of mounding chores, I have gotten quite a bit done today. 

The garage now has some breathing room, the furniture has been shifted around, the laundry isn’t jumping out its basket anymore, and even the toilets are smiling. 

Still there’s a billion more things I should be getting done, but honestly, all I want to do is stop and breathe-in these last few hours of September. 

So, instead of checking another “to-do” off the never ending list, I decided to take Sandy’s advice. 

Recently, I wrote about all the zinnias that came from one package of flower seeds and she asked if I use them as cut flowers. 

I haven’t. 

Until today. 

I just went out and cut some. Aren’t they pretty? Thanks, Sandy! 

Well..looks like I may have spoken too soon about this being a stay at home day. 

My little Superman just appeared all decked out in his costume, raring to go save the world! So, we’re off once again! 

I just wanted to check in with you and tell you I hope you’re having a wonderful day. 

55 thoughts on “A Wonderful Day

    • You made me smile SOOOOO BIG! 😊 You’re right, nothing beats being invited to be a super hero!

      You know what’s funny? While on our adventure yesterday, we went to McDonalds and Superman/ Super Girl are the happy meal toys! I don’t know who was more excited!

      Thank you for reading and commenting. That pitcher is full of memories. I love that it’s sitting here in my room all full of those pretty flowers. 🌸


  1. Lovely flowers and lovely jug. Every year at this time we have a burst of brilliant orange-yellow rudbeckia at the bottom of the garden which we can only see from the kitchen window. I love them and only a week ago decided to cut some and guess what? They are in a jug! A ceramic one this time as it’s smaller but I could have picked a metal one jad they been taller flowers. They are sitting on my lounge windowsill brightening up a very dark, wet and cold day. Snap! 😄👏🏻🌻

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Zinnia’s are so beautiful as cut flowers. They last such a long time. Love your pitcher!! I love to have flowers in my home. I will move them from room to room just so I can enjoy them where ever I’m at. I have a big master bath and I love to have them between my sinks in front of the mirror, that way I have double the blooms! Works especially well when Mr. Farmer gives me roses♥
    I’m glad that you take the time to cherish the last day of September and to drop everything when LB shows up in his Superman.
    Such beautiful weather, enjoy the weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh!!! I love your idea of moving them from room to room! AND putting them in front of a mirror! Thanks for that idea! I just moved my small vase to the bathroom!

      Mr. Farmer gets you RoSes?? Wow! Lucky girl! 🌹

      Yes, Superman was quite a surprise. He’d been reading his comic books and suddenly was dressed and ready for an adventure! I’m trying to savor age 9. Ten is coming faster than I ever expected it to!

      It’s definitely Fall weather today. 50 degrees here. I actually have the heater going to take off the chill in here this morning. Hope you have a beautiful weekend! 💖


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