Pillar of Strength 

Have you ever stood underneath something and looked at what holds it up? 

Yesterday, we went to a creek we’ve been to a billion times. After we played and took some pictures, I found myself standing beneath the bridge. 

What an amazing concept! A structure designed to get you from one side to another. 

Without it, cars certainly could not cross there. The banks on both sides are too steep and some storm-filled days cause the gentle creek to turn into a rolling one.

If you read my post a few days ago,  you know that we had our safety foundations rattled on Monday. 

A few days have passed now, and the fear has subsided somewhat. Now I’m at the point where I can start pulling the lessons out of it. 

What happened kind of reminds me of a frigid winter morning. Picture a sun-filled sky, a layer of snow on the ground, and frost on the steps. 

It looks nice enough, right? After a few steps across the yard and around the corner of the house,  the wind appears out of nowhere and slaps the face, sending one running for a scarf. 

So what have I learned? 

  • Persistent gut instincts truly are a gift. It seems so easy to second guess them. Ignore them and sometimes they go away. Persistence gets attention. 
  • Things change. We’ve lived near that town for 15 years. That area used to be safe. It’s just not anymore. 
  • Using my writing voice brought out stories from friends who’ve had similar experiences at the same place. Before I wrote about it, I had no idea.
  • My small town-ness shines around me like neon lights. Which is ok in most instances, but not really that great in others. 
  • Fear definitely has its purpose, but doesn’t deserve a placemat at the supper table. 
  • In the midst of that awful situation, I was scared silly. Afterwards when I replayed it, I see that I am strong, smart, and courageous, even though I didn’t feel any of those at the time.
  • The libraries there are concerned about safety. Yesterday, I had an amazing conversation with a library employee at another branch. Turns out, they receive extensive safety training for all kinds of situations, have a set of policies for expected behavior in the buildings, and plans in place if there are issues. 
  • This certainly is not something that’s fun to talk about, but simple awareness could actually help someone else. 
  • Like those bridge supports, my past experiences held me up. My self defense class from 2001 kicked in. My days of working in questionable city neighborhoods came rushing back. My momma instinct that showed up when Little Bit was born was on full alert. 

My family, friends, blogging friends, and Facebook friends have held me up on tiptoes this week. 

    Thank you for that. It means so much.  Truly, you are a pillar of strength. 

    12 thoughts on “Pillar of Strength 

    1. You were brave, courageous and after assessing the situation, you asked for help – which was again, a brave move. And .. you were spot on with your feelings. You trusted your instincs, and this saved you and your little one from any harm.

      You learnt a valuable lesson and in turn you’ve us about it, and taught us to think, and trust our own instincts.

      And then … added to all of this .. your child will have also learnt something from this distressing situation which you found yourself in. Mummy coped, brilliantly, by listening to that little inner voice which was telling her to be aware … and mummy got help to keep her and her little one safe. And everything turned out OK. Everyone was OK and no harm was done.

      Your little one will have learnt that if something doesn’t feel right, then go and get help from someone trusted (a teacher, mom, dad, grandparents etc), and everything can be sorted out so that no harm is done.

      I think you’re brilliant, Jessica.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh my goodness. You are a dream. THANK YOU FOR THAT. I didn’t even think about that. I’m always trying to think of ways to teach him safety and here we lived it. Thank you for pointing this out. ❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

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