Try Anyway

Have you ever completely stepped outside  of your comfort zone and tried out for something you might not get? 

Oh man, I have! 

In 9th grade, I tried out for cheerleader. Just picture a small town high school gym, all the football/ basketball players in the bleachers, and me, some awkward and uncoordinated teenager down in front of all of them, trying to belt out a cheer and do a cartwheel! 

Hmm… I’m not really the cartwheel type, but somehow I made it onto the JV squad! 

Something similar happened to me last month. A health/ wellness website I love was seeking writers. Like paid writers. I’ve never tried out for anything like that before, so I applied real quick before I could talk myself out of it. 

Then, I waited.

And, waited. 

And, waited. 

I checked my email every 5 minutes for like 3 days. Nothing. 

While waiting, I found myself actually brainstorming ideas for a health category on my own blog. Plus, that’s also when I woke up and suddenly had an idea for a book, completely out of the blue…

Pretty cool. 

And, guess what! You will never believe this. That email that I was eagerly anticipating? 

It came!

I get a chance. 

The lesson?  

Even on those days when self doubt comes sneaking in, push it to the side, and try anyway! 

42 thoughts on “Try Anyway

    • Hey girl, you are SO right!! Fizzle is a great word choice. I’ve been working on my first article- it’s gone a bit rough- late night hours, computer mess ups- that kind of thing, but I’m figuring it out. Learning curve!! 😊😊😊


  1. Congratulations, Jess! This is fantastic news – what a great start into a new week!
    I’m so happy for you! And now more people get to experience your talent for writing.
    By the way, right now I’m smiling like an idiot and I feel like “Woooohooooo!” – because of you!

    And don’t forget your idea for a book. And don’t forget about the health category on your blog. Yes, one thing at a time! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, I think I may hear your woooooohooooo-ing!! Oh wait, there’s an ocean in the way!! Ha. You’re very sweet. Thank you for what you said. ❀️ I think I’m going to make a new blog category called Highway to Health and share things I’ve learned since being misdiagnosed and all the researching I’ve done since. The book is coming along pretty good. I had originally wanted it done by Valentine’s Day… Oops. That’s tomorrow. Tonight I’m working on my contribution piece. I hope you’re doing well. Big hugs!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • You are a saving’s grace, Linda, truly. Thank you for always believing in me, even in those days when I was stumbling along- trying to find my way in this big ol’ world. You are a treasure! Thank you for your lovely comment!! Love you! 😊❀️


  2. I so agree! That’s probably the most valuable lesson my parents taught me as a kid, always try, there’s no harm in it and if you don’t try, you won’t have a chance, but if you do, who knows? Anyway, congrats!!!!! I’m not surprised at all, you deserve it!!! Good luck! <3

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