Be There

Don’t you just love the soul-lifting power of kindness?

Whether it’s in a smile from a stranger or a letter from a friend, kindness warms the heart.

In general, it seems like “people” as a whole get a bad wrap. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that the world is a bad place and people are just mean.

Yeah, I don’t really buy into that. Sometimes, if we just look and listen, the stories of good-hearted folks are just about everywhere.

In fact, just this week, one particular tale waltzed into my life, and you are going to love it.

Today in Nebraska, there is a wedding and  because of kindness, love is coming full circle.

You see, the couple was going to get married in 10 months. 10 months would have given them plenty of time to make plans and check off all the to do lists.

That changed 15 days ago.

One of their family members is really sick, so they moved the date up. As you probably know, 15 days isn’t much time to put a wedding together.

Can I just tell you, people have stepped up!

  • A kind woman donated a building for the ceremony when the weather for an outdoor ceremony got iffy.
  • Not one, but two photographers offered their services for the wedding photographs.
  • Someone who makes wedding cakes offered to make theirs.
  • Someone donated 100 pounds of fish for the fish fry at their reception.
  • Someone else is smoking the pulled-pork.
  • People gave money for plane and bus tickets to get family members there for the big day.
  • There wasn’t time to mail invitations, but with social media they got the word out and people will fill those seats today.

How cool is that? Brings happy tears to my eyes.

My favorite part of the story is the generosity of the couple. What an act of love to move their special day up for someone else. Who does that?

They do.

They love somebody sooooooo much, that they just wanted them to be there. 

75 thoughts on “Be There

    • Welcome to my blog and thank you so much for reading. I love the name of your blog! How awesome! I love what you said about Kindness being the answer. I will definitely check out your post. Thank you. :)

      Liked by 1 person

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  2. Lovely story. There are so many wonderful people, young and old. The media needs to focus more on the positive and less in the negative. It’s as easy as being kind to each other.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Finally getting some much needed rain in KS as I know you are too!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey girl. I haven’t been on WP in a lot of days. How are you doing? Yes, we’ve been getting great rains here lately. SO HAPPY to hear KS is getting rain!! How are those fires? Thank you- this story is about my cousin, Mr. Johnson, who commented above. Sweet boy. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes ma’am. The negativity gets so old. Stories like these seem to remind us why it’s important to have faith in humans. There are some great people around. :) Thank you for reading. Love your comments!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I was honored to be at this beautiful wedding! The joy and love radiated all day, not only from the happy couple, but those who were able to give whatever they could to help out! ❤ It was a wonderful sight indeed…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my, I bet that was amazing!! All that love and compassion in one room. Makes me smile just thinking of it. Bet you’ll always remember it. ❤️ Bet Heaven was smiling big that day! Especially Uncle Dad! Thank you for your comments and for reading my story.❤️❤️


  4. This story is just a testament of the power of GODs will… the coming together of familys, friends & complete strangers to help us achieve a dream… maximum overwhelmingness… if thats even a word !!!
    And you sweet lady for taking your time to bring the light to the light… you are amazing!!! Thank you for EVERYTHING you do!! 💙💙💙

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my goodness. You are a sweet, sweet boy. I’m sitting in my kitchen at midnight with happy tears streaming down my cheeks. I felt sooooo bad because I wasn’t AT your wedding, but THIS tells me I was right where I needed to be.

      I love your words, maximum overwhelmingness, they’re perfect for such a beautiful story. This story is touching people’s hearts. What a gift you are. Thank you for your wonderful comments. 💜💜💜


    • Isn’t it the BEST story?? People are just so darn nice. PS woo hoo!! I can’t wait to get it!! Hope you put your return address so I can send you some cinnamon rolls!! :)


  5. There is still more goodness and kindness in this world than anything else. I will always believe that. And this gorgeous couple who changed their wedding date and everyone else who helped, is proof of that. Lovely ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  6. So many people have hearts of gold. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if we heard more about these unsung heroes in the media! As that is unlikely to happen, it makes it doubly important to share these stories with each other. Thanks for doing so, Jessica.

    Liked by 3 people

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