The Wind and the Waves

Have you ever just needed a vacation? Just a break to step away from the every day? 

Yeah, me too. 

The past several months I haven’t been writing much. I’ve been reading and researching health issues. Sure, it’s great to learn about all that stuff, but after a while, it flat gets heavy! 

Our vacation came at the perfect time because walking away from researching was exactly what I needed. 

Quite honestly, I’ve had a ton on my mind and realized I’d almost taken up residence in Fear. Like it’s a town with an area code or something. Fear of what? 

  • Fear of a mystery illness
  • Fear of finding the right doctor
  • Fear of following the right path
  • Fear of finding the right remedies
  • Fear that these headaches would never go away
  • Fear of being enough and doing enough
  • And, just the general fear that creeps in out of nowhere 

When we arrived at the beach, it was like the ocean opened its arms and called out, “you are safe here.” 

In those moments, my soul searching began. In all the muck that fear creates, it’s easy to lose ourselves. But, I actually began to see myself again and because of that, I was able to set down the worries I’d been carrying. 

That beach set me free. Standing in the sand, all senses completely submersed, I found the healing power of the wind and water. After eleven days, I returned home stronger and less afraid. 

Since then, I feel more at peace about my health. Believe it or not, the right doctor did come along. So did some answers. Not all, but some and that’s a start I’ll take. 

I just thought I’d tell you where I’ve been for so long. On a healing path, I guess, that started with the wind and the waves. 

30 thoughts on “The Wind and the Waves

  1. Go on with your bad self! Congratulations on the post. I know it takes courage to write, or create anything, so kudos. I hope you keep writing, the better for us all. I’m also touched by Miriams comments and sending of warmest wishes from across the ocean. So I’ll send an edible bar of light -rainbow- that is super tasty.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! Thank you so much. How nice to meet you! Thank you for what you said about it taking courage for writing. ❤️ I am actually 7 weeks into an 8 week Spiritual class I’m taking and I am learning soooooo much. It hasn’t left me much time for writing lately, but that will come when it’s meant to. I’ve never had an edible bar of light rainbow, but I totally want one now! 🐬🦋🦋


  2. Oh Jess, you’ve been on my mind so much. I’m glad you were able to find a doctor and some answers and that you were able to take that vacation. Sometimes, as you said, we just need to step away and “feel” again, without the fear snd the thinking that often escalates. Fear is a doozy isn’t it? There’s no better place to do that than in Mother Nature’s arms by the sea. Wishing you continued good health and peace my friend. xo 💜

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    • Hey sweetheart. Doozy is a terrific word for it! I’ve tried to write for weeks, been nothing came out. I’m finding myself on a spiritual journey right now… even taking an 8 week spiritual class. Thank you for your concern and love, soul sister. Miss you so much!

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      • Miss you too! An eight week spiritual class sounds absolutely wonderful. Keep finding yourself my girl, and creating yourself at the same time. It’s liberating and a lifelong journey. Sending you hugs and my warmest wishes from across the ocean xo 💖

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    • Hi honey, I appreciate your concern. I have been having some horrible headaches for about 2 months or so. Mostly related to food. For instance, one day I took a drink of a juice I never drink and within 5 minutes I had a really bad migraine for 5 days. Things that I have eaten my whole life, I am suddenly having reactions to.

      My new awesome doctor did some labs for me for food allergies. Turns out I have a big list of food allergies. Including eggs, corn, blueberries, squash, carrots– the list goes on. Also found out I am allergic to mold and the Candida that I have in my body. I guess all of those things can be headache triggers, so no wonder I have been so miserable. Don’t you worry, my sweet Francesca, I am on the mend. :) I appreciate you so much.

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  3. You are back!! Yayy. I am so glad you were able to find peace in those wind and waves. I love that God put you in that place just when you needed it. I have found that His timing is always right. (though, to be honest, I still like to tell Him my plans for how things should go!)
    I am glad you are getting some answers and I am so glad you have found peace about it. Keeping you and your health in my prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, sweetheart, I’ve missed you. I guess your holding down Iowa for me. Ha. I agree about the timing. Would be nice if it was on our time! But, doesn’t work like that. Thank you for your prayers. Hope you are doing well.

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      • Doing great over here! I keep waiting for the summer days to slow down and be those lazy days of summer….not happening! Have been to two baby showers in the last week (hosted one and just got back from Lincoln, NE for the other one.) Canning peaches, sweet corn is quickly getting ready to freeze……..
        so glad to hear you are getting answers! Someday we will meet at Lake Okoboji!

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        • Wow! You do sound like summer is in full swing. Baby showers sound fun. I need to get caught up on your posts and see how they went. Mmmm. Peaches! I’d take a big piece of peach cobbler any day! Just found out I am allergic to CORN. Can you imagine? That is just crazy. My grandma’s would probably faint. Ha. Yes to Okoboji. Can’t wait.

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            • Darn, wish I would outgrow it. Love that Iowa sweetcorn. Yes ma’am, it is in everything, and so are eggs. Would you believe I found out I am allergic to eggs? Like really allergic to them! Just crazy. Eggs are in everything. Even gluten free breads and foods that I can eat. Well, at least I can find something to eat I guess! Ha.

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  4. Fear about what a ‘mystery’ ailment might be can almost mean the death of your life as you know it. I’m so happy that you got to have this time away because the sea and the breeze can blow away some of the cobwebs that have been spun through your brain and left no room for the air to move around.

    You’re now heading in the right direction and have a new doctor with the right ideas …. allow him to take the strain and see if you can keep that wonderful feeling the sea and it’s breeze gave you.
    Sending love ~ Cobs. x

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    • Oh, my dear sweet friend, you made me chuckle about the cobwebs in the brain. There definitely was no air left to move around. Ha. Thank you, as always, for your generous insight. I believe I will take your advice of keeping the sea and the breeze with me. Sending love right back. Hugs sweetie. Jessica

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  5. I’m so glad you were able to take that much-needed beach vacation, and even happier that you found a good doctor and are able to get some answers on your health issues. Fear of the unknown is the worst. Peace to you on your journey toward healing and health!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey girl, how are you? I have missed our chats. Thank you. I totally agree, fear of the unknown is the worst. Seems like it’s so easy to make up whatever we think will go wrong… makes for some sleepless nights for sure. it was so nice to finally gain some peace about it. Thank you for your kind words. Hope you are doing well. How is your lovely dog?

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