Little Bit’s Mom

I love being a mom. I have no idea how I was even able to breathe before this kid was born. We just celebrated our eleventh Christmas and on Christmas Eve, when the house was quiet and I was the only one awake, I found myself getting all sentimental.

We tried to have a baby for what seemed to be forever, though it wasn’t as long as some other couples. I remember the holidays during those five years as mostly heartbreaking. The one thing I wanted more than anything in the world, Santa couldn’t deliver.

When Heaven and earth opened up and I was finally able to stay pregnant, this little miracle made his grand entrance about a month early, putting him here in time for Christmas.

Oh, you don’t even the know the joy I felt, having that little angel in my arms on Christmas that first year.

When I got pregnant, I made a vow to myself not to forget the lonely road we’d traveled. Therefore, I know what a privilege it is to bake Santa cookies, to cuddle up with my beautiful son and watch Santa’s sleigh on the radar, and to read him “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”

Two nights ago, as I stood looking at our beautiful tree during Christmas Eve’s wee hours, a contentment I can barely describe washed over me.

It’s in those moments when grace slides in almost unexpectedly, that I remember just how eternally grateful I am to be Little Bit’s Mom.

42 thoughts on “Little Bit’s Mom

  1. Jessica, I adored reading this. A mother’s love is something I have thought about a lot lately. My best friend just had a baby and the way she feels about him and talks about him is something I marvel at. I long to feel that indescribable love one day and even just the phrase “I have no idea how I was even able to breathe before this kid was born” captivated me. I hear on the flip-side how incredibly hard it is to be a mom, but worth it. Thank you for sharing these words and I know your little one is lucky to have you <3

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey sweetheart, you’re right. There is something special about the Christmas tree lights… Thank you so much- Little Bit and I are both blessed. ❤️ He’s a good boy. Spoils us.


  2. A truly beautiful post, written by the heart.
    Being a mother is the most amazing blessing, and I’m so, so thankful that you finally got the chance to experience it.
    Happy New Year (sorry I’m late getting to this post … I’m playing catch-up as I had Christmas ‘off’ just to relax, rest and recuperate)
    Squidges ~ Cobs.x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi sweetheart, I am sorry I’m late responding. How are you doing? Sounds like you had a nice holiday. Thank you so much. He is such a gift. A sweet one. I haven’t been online very much. Am taking a writing class on Udemy and Little Bit are taking 2 online art classes. Pretty fun. Hope you have a wonderful New Year. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a heartfelt and sweet post! We should all try to remember to appreciate our nearest and dearest and to be present in the moment. Right now I have a cold and am trying to keep the babies healthy so I’m not cuddling them as much as I would like to… hope it passes soon :) Wishing you and Little Bit lots of cuddles and happiness for 2018!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhh, right behind us!! 6 months apart! I’m soooo glad you commented! Love that you get it. It’s such a tremendous gift to finally get the baby. And, to remember the journey. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much for commenting. Hope you have a wonderful day!


  4. Absolutely beautiful. I love this post. I have just experienced this for the very first time having been blessed with our daughter a week before Christmas, and having stood by the Christmas tree amazed at this new world this year, I look forward to every year from now on feeling the same. A very merry Christmas to you and your family xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!! I am thrilled that you have a new baby in your arms. There is nothing better! Bless you for your comments! Makes my day. 💕❤️💕 What a blessing. Thank you.


    • I figured you’d get this. Your babies are all grown. The moments pass by so darn quick. What a blessing Christmas really is. That babe in the manger makes all the Mommas grateful not only for the spirit of all things holy, but for our own babes as well. I love your heart. I’ll take all your huge, happy sighs. Love and hugs to you! 😇❤️

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